2- Part Closed Cell Foam Overview

  • At at 75 F (24*\ C) foam will be tack-free in 60 seconds.
  • Foam fully cures within 1 hour
  • Change nozzles frequently
    For trouble-free operation, change nozzle after 30 seconds of non-use. Foam will cure inside the nozzle and clog the nozzle if not replaced.
  • Vega Bond Insulation is low‐pressure spray foam using chemical temperatures close to room temperature, which significantly reduces any overspray or airborne contaminant level.

Preparing the Job Site
Prepare surface
Be sure to remove any loose material
Ensure it is clean and dry. Clean grease, oil, dirt and water off surfaces to be foamed.

Overspray protection
Windows, electrical outlets, other surfaces not intended to be sprayed with foam

Tools needed:
Box cutter to trim excess foam
Drop cloth or plastic sheeting
Masking tape
Trash bags

Environmental conditions, 75°F or 24°C

Cordon off the job site & isolate the spray area
Post warning signs for unprotected workers

Temperature Matters

If it is below 65 degrees outside, you need to warm  tanks to before spraying. Maximum yield is achieved when tanks are between 75 F and 85 F degrees.

Too hot or too cold temperatures impacts the application and the foam yield  dramatically. Substrate temperature also influence the ratio and adhesion of the foam being sprayed.

The closer they are to the ideal temperature, the better the yield. Please note that If the tank temperature drops below 55 F, the foam will not expand and run.

Kit Assembly and Startup
1. Review instructions included with kit & prepare the site.
2. Put on the proper PPE.
3. Pull gun and hoses out of box. Some kits contain pre-attached hoses. If not, attach the hoses to the canisters.
4. Apply petroleum jelly to inside face of gun and around the edges of the ports.
5. Flush lines by spraying into a waste container until the streams are equal.
6. Clean gun with paper towels and reapply petroleum jelly.
7. Insert nozzle into gun. Listen for two clicks to ensure full insertion.
8. Begin spraying.


LIMITED WARRANTY: The Manufacturer warrants only that the product shall meet its specifications: this warranty is in lieu of all other written or unwritten, expressed or implied warranties and The Manufacturer expressly disclaims any warranty of merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer assumes all risks whatsoever as to the use of the material. Buyer’s exclusive remedy as to any breach of warranty, negligence or other claim shall be limited to the replacement of the material. Failure to strictly adhere to any recommended procedures shall release the Manufacturer of all liability with respect to the materials of the use thereof. User of this product must determine suitability for any particular purpose, including, but not limited to, structural requirements, performance specifications and application requirements prior to installation and after product has been properly applied.



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